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Fleet Management Software Structure
The software consists of individual modules which can be used singly or in combination. The modules are Autopark, Technical attendance, Warehouse, GPS monitoring, Logistics.
Auto ParkThe Auto Park Module is the basic module of the fleet management software and is closely connected with the other modules. The here attached diagram represents the important place of this module in the entire application architecture, the interrelations with all the other modules, as well as its interaction with outer systems. The module consists:
- Register of all trucks in the Auto Park
- Register of trailers
- Register of aggregates
- Register of drivers
- Control of document circulation for transport work tickets processing
- Lists with all types and models of vehicles together with their characteristics
Auto park - features
- vehicle passports, trailers, containers, aggregates with detailed characteristic for use
- vinetes monitoring, insurances, taxes, leasing
- attachment of files and scanned documents
- fuel rates and overrates
- automatic calculation of savings and overspending of vehicles and drivers
- pass - issue, correction and print
- cost monitoring for fuel, travel, etc.
- automatic reporting of fuel expenditure
- calculating in engine hours the works of specilised vehicles
- loading reports for construction machines
- calculation drivers' wages
- various lists - brands, models, drivers, fuel suppliers, eurostnadard, offices and departments, equipment, tariffs, etc.
- set of report - standard and custom design
Auto park - reports
- Expiring Vignettes, insurances and other events
- Expenses by cars, drivers, regions and devisions
- Fuel and travel expenses
- Drivers' expenses and bonuses
- Driving without pass
- Accounting reports
- Custom design reports
Technical attendance module provides planning, organisation, fulfilment and reporting of the technical maintenance of transport means and machines. Guaranties efficient management of the autopark by planning the out of use periods and avoiding delays for certain events as technical checks, tyre replacement, etc. Efficient organisation and management of the technical maintenance increases the percentage of use of the transport vehicles.
Technical attendance - features
- Prepare a schedule for service and maintenance of vehicles
- Prepare time tables for the process of vehicles prevention
- Generate recurring work orders
- Manage requests for repair
- Manage work orders register
- Warehouse spear parts reporting
- Expenditure reporting of materials, consumables and labour
- Summary reports of maintenance and repair expenditure
- Custom designed material and accountig reports
- Generate and print reports
The work orders describe the pending tasks and the needed resources. They are generated by means of automatic or hand made attendance schedules or according to given repair requests. The here attached diagram shows this process.
WarehouseThe Warehouse Module is used for management and strict accounting of the warehouse of a transport company. The basic purpose of this module is monitoring the amounts of spare parts, consumables and equipment in the warehouse, keeping data concerning the registration and discharging of goods in the warehouse, information about the completed and forthcoming inspections of the amounts on hand.
Warehouse - features
- Management of several warehouses
- Description of operations concerning the registration and discharging of goods and the inventories
- Keeping lists with information about the contracting parties
- Keeping lists of consignments of goods
- Warehouse documents generation
- Integration with the Service Module
- Automatic discharging of consignment materials during the mutual work of these two modules
The Warehouse Module generates great many reports, showing the present condition of the amounts of consumables and spare parts on hand, their flows as well as information about former periods. A possibility for adding new and removal of existing reports is also considered.
GPS MonitoringThe module GPS Monitoring realizes the graphic visualization of vehicles travelling over a geographic map. The user has the opportunity to trace the travelling and outages for each of the vehicles for a given period. This opportunity is realized using data coming from the Global Positioning System.
System keeps historical record of the vehicles movements, as well as archive of the routes.
GPS Minitoring - features
- Real time GPS vehicles monitoring;
- Electronic geographical map visualization;
- Wide range of electronic geograpical maps;
- Routes archive;
- GPS tracking analysis.
Logistics module suports the logistic activities in regards with transport services. An interface for management of delivery orders, deliveries management, route planning and time shedule is provided.
Logistics - features
- automated grouping of orders
- manual grouping of orders by destination, clients, terms
- routing
- time scheduling
- generate time schedules based on templates
- keeping route history
- time schedule and loading reports printing
The flow chart ilustrates the process of organisation and distribtion of loads per vehicles. The vehicles available for the day are identified based on data provided by module Auto park and module Monitoring. The loads distribution per cars can be made manually or automaticaly by rules. Passes and Loads reporting are generated based on the loads distribution.